Optimization of Policy and Waste Management Strategy with Environtmentally Conception

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Optimization of Policy and Waste Management Strategy with Environtmentally Conception

Nowdays we are often confronted with various issues surrounding the environment that directly or indirectly will influence and implications on the pattern and way of life of modern society today. One environmental issue that is often in the public spotlight today about a less than optimal government and other stakeholders in implementing any policies and strategies relating to the management and environmentally sound waste management in this country.
 This paradigm is realized currently associated with the handling of waste is still limited to conventional waste management put in place open to the left to rot by itself. Although it has been cultivated that the landfill is concentrated in one particular area with sanitary landfill method. But in reality the problem is still not un-end garbage, trash is still a source of air pollution because of the smell, and water pollution due to lindinya handling of water (leachate) is less good that seeps into the various places that are not supposed to, and has caused outbreaks of disease and as well as one of the causes of flooding. This is one of the problems caused when dealing lately and not systematic.
TPA Piyungan, Bantul Jogjakarta
Foto by Zahirul Alwan 

TPA Piyungan, Bantul Jogjakarta
Foto by Zahirul Alwan 

from :http://zahirulalwanphotography.blogspot.com

UU No. 18 year 2008 about waste management and a clear mandate to the government of any other related parties who will be proactive and more responsive to the problems of waste management with strategic policies and participatory for the community. However, the reality of what happens when it shows the contradiction between the actions taken by the government with a passion that is contained in Law no. 18 year 2008, is an indication of low awareness of government officials and other stakeholders to play a role in the handling of waste in an effort to achieve good environmental quality and environmentally friendly, no effective legal instrument in guiding people's behavior patterns to coordinate with the government in the handling of waste, as well as decline in the quality of end disposal management (TPA), which is marked by changes in landfill management system of the sanitary landfill to be open dumping. Government and  stakeholders in this regard is expected to synergize and optimize the return policy and waste management strategy to be a stimulus for the community in developing environmentally friendly behavior patterns, in the sense that every action taken by the government and society is always based on the principles of maintenance and environmental protection.

Optimality build waste management policies and strategies

Based on the above descriptions indicate the level of complexity of the problems faced by governments, stakeholders, and society in dealing explicitly garbage lies in the application of the paradigm that is no longer associated accommodative and responsive handling of waste and implementation (enforcement) is not maximized with regulations concerning the handling of waste. In this case there should be a strong commitment and innovation in a creative, innovative of all parties to optimize the set of rules regarding the handling and environmentally sound waste pembagunan and change the paradigm that is unaware membagun relavansi in the context of government, stakeholders, and society in facing the problem of garbage in this country.

There are some general principles that can be used as a basis in order to optimize waste management policy and the development of a healthy environment as described below:

Based on the ilustration above can be explained that the basis of seven principal in order to optimize every government policy in terms of waste can be realized optimally capable berharmonisasi and integrated together with each other. Conceptual scheme above shows that the basic policy of garbage and Participation Pro-Poor Total can open as wide as possible the role and participation of the community, especially those living below the poverty line through a more responsive service that will create a climate of public awareness as a whole (comprehensive). This certainly must be supported by the Pro form the policy environment in which every process of making and policy implementation should not be separated from their impact on the environment so as to create policies that can maintain a balance between the need for implementation of waste management and environmental capacity. Furthermore basis based on the concept of regionalization whereby each region to help build a pattern of strategic cooperation between the sector by formulating mekainisme waste management and integrated development.

Next is the effort to reform human resources and government officials associated with the management and waste pembagunan embodied in the concept of good corporate governance and the Real Demand Survey that requires the optimization of pemeritnah apparatus in applying the principles of good entrepreneurship and the principle of cost recovery in implementation and development of waste and ceoat response in terms of identifying the problem of waste based on the real needs of the field. The whole concept is, of course, will memeberikan fairness, certainty, and the benefits to all parties if it is supported by the Law Enforcement consistent and credible in maintenance problems and development of waste in this country.

Some strategic steps in optimize policy and change management paradigm and pembagunan waste can be done through the following steps:
  1. Revitalizing the concept of decentralization as a means of waste disposal service approach to the implementation of public services by reducing waste as much as possible starting from the source and megedepankan role and active participation of all community members as partners in waste management.
  2. Elaborated a strategic partnership with the private sector through the simplification of bureaucracy for private parties who are interested to invest in waste management.
  3. Improve coaching and intensive public awareness and sustainable (sustainable) will try 5R (reduce, reuse, recycling, recovery, change) associated with the management and development of waste and develop and implement a system of incentives and disincentives in the implementation of 5R.

  4. Improved service coverage and quality management systems to maximize the utilization of solid waste facilities and infrastructure.
  5. Institutional development, regulation and legislation by upgrading the status and capacity of the institutions of governance, productivity, solid waste management Institute that delimit the functions/offices of regulators and operators, as well as to encourage the implementation of surveillance systems and the consistent application of legal sanctions in order to develop officials, communities and other stakeholders.
The consequence of applying the principles of policy and strategy in a program that is consistent, integrated and comprehensive will give positive pegaruh to the role and performance of government, stakeholders, and communities in overcoming the various problems associated with waste management today. With the concept and mechanism are expected to be a catalyst for every component of society to maximize its role in maintaining and preserving the environment through the management and development of environmentally sound waste.

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